Public Policies and Procedures

The West Fork Public Library Policy provides the rules, standards, and principles that guide the operation and use of the library.

Meeting Room


1.      The primary use of the meeting room is for library meetings and programs as well as the those of our Friends of the Library (FOL).

2.      The meeting room is available to book regardless of a group’s or individual’s viewpoints, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, or affiliations.

3.      The party reserving the meeting room takes responsibility for its condition and must leave a full name and a reliable phone number with library staff.

4.      Groups and individuals reserving the library are responsible for set up and clean up.

5.      Refreshments may be served; however, the booking party is responsible for cleaning up the meeting room and may not serve alcohol or drugs of any kind.  

6.      Permission to use the meeting room does not indicate that the library endorses the opinions, beliefs, and activities of the group or individual.

7.      If an organization advertises an event at the library, they must include a disclaimer, “Use of the West Fork Library Meeting Room does not constitute an endorsement from the library.”

8.      Personal events such as weddings, birthdays, and showers are not permitted.

9.      During any booking, library staff must have access to the room at all times.

10.  Library staff may revoke permission to use the space if there is behavior that breaks our Patron Code of Conduct or is disruptive to the running of the library.

11.  The meeting room is limited to use for occasional meetings and events and cannot be guaranteed or offered for regular meetings.

12.  The meeting room may not be booked more than 2months in advance unless it is for a library or FOL program.

13.  Parties booking may not engage in solicitation of any kind.

14.   Only library or FOL sponsored programs may solicit or fundraise in the meeting room.

15.  This space is free to use and no admission maybe charged by parties booking the room.